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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  February 9, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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you are in the cnn "newsroom," i'm brianna keilar at the cnn headquarters in atlanta in for don lemon. the latest on the l.a. manhunt for a suspended cop killer in just a minute. but first the story we've been following all day long, the blizzard in the northeast. ashleigh banfield is in fairfield, connecticut covering that. how are things looking where you are, ashleigh?
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>> reporter: it's not about the look, it's about the feel, brianna. the light is going down, the sun is going down, the temperatures are going down. and yet, brianna, we still have clogged arteries. clogged roadways. that 95 is still a parking lot where i am in fairfield, connecticut. plows are pretty intermittent and while you do see some people traveling, because they are allowed to travel, technically, they're not supposed to be, anyway. the governor here has said please just stay off the roads and let the utility companies get to restore power. let the plows do their job. we're just now hearing a confirm savings five known fatalities in this state alone. this is where the record snowfalls were found, brianna, so it's still an emergency. blizzard warnings may be over, but the emergency is not over. and we are going down to minus 10 with the wind chill here. so if your car gets stuck, and you get buried, you're going to be cold, and that can be lethal. let me give you a couple other big headlines for the day now. because we do know that there are a number of other deaths, as
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well. new york and ontario, canada, too. reporting deaths in. and then this terrible situation of a young boy, 11, 12 years old, we're not clear if he's 11 or 12 at this point but killed in the most tragic of ways. he warmed up in his car while they were digging it out and the tailpipe became clogged. it was a case of carbon monoxide poisoning. again, weather-related. and so avoidable. also i can tell you that firefighters tried to revive him and it just couldn't be done. he was rushed to the hospital and he died, sadly. and we still have the emergency of power outages, 635,000 people affected by this storm in a number of different states. massachusetts really getting the worst of it there. the snow is mighty, mighty deep. the record amounts of snow here, according to the governor -- the removal is going to take days and days and days. we had upwards of 3 feet -- over 3 feet in a town called milford, connecticut. a number of places getting
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between 2 and 3 feet, and in massachusetts, just as bad, snow up towards the 3 foot level. new york city's airports resumed their services, but there's an airport here in connecticut. it's not getting -- it is still a mess. we're still -- defy con 5 in terms of the plowing. it has been a very, very difficult situation here, brianna. >> that's right. maybe the only saving grace, it happened on a weekend. but this is certainly something as you mentioned, ashleigh, will take days to recover from. thanks for that. mean time, that urgent dragnet now in the mountains east of los angeles for a rogue ex cop with a vendetta against the lapd. christopher dorner's alleged killing spree began last sunday in irvine, where two people were shot and killed. one of them, the daughter of a police officer. dorner apparently then went to san diego for a couple days, and visited the naval base there. his wallet was found at the san diego airport. early thursday morning, he shot three cops allegedly.
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one in corona, two in riverside, one of them later died. thursday afternoon, dorner's burning truck was found near big bear lake in the san bernardino mountains, and cnn's paul verify cammen is there at big bear lake, 100 miles from passengers. and paul, is there any sign that dorner is in the area, might he have gone somewhere else? >> reporter: absolutely, brianna, he could have gone somewhere else. the last sign anyone has seen was his burning truck that was found here in these vast mountains. one thing that they are doing today, the weather has cleared. and for the first time in a couple days, they have been able to get helicopters into the air, so they can try to track dorner. now, one thing about fresh snow. it makes it easier for law enforcement officers to track, so certainly as they get up above the mountains, they'll be looking for any sign of dorner's tracks in the snow. also, they are going door to door in big bear lake. these are armed officers. we saw a team of four officers,
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two of them s.w.a.t. personnel, armed to the teeth. what they would do, walk up to one of the cabins, knock on doors, peek through windows, check every single one out. it is a daunting task. many of the neighbors being woken up or approached by officers. we talked to one young man who said he was out shoveling snow and all of a sudden the officers stepped up to him and asked him, had he seen anything. let's hear from him now. a resident here at big bear lake. >> i'm honestly not too worried about it at all. i mean, you do see a lot of cops out here right now, definitely more than i've ever seen around here. and i do feel good about them going around, door to door, and checking everything out. but as far as -- i'm not too concerned about him. i don't really think he's up here, to be quite honest with you. >> reporter: now, an interesting side note. justin's father said off camera, he believed that on his particular block, only 10% of the homes were occupied. that's because many people who live in this area have these as their second homes, vacation homes.
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and for that reason, that is why police are being so careful to check out every single home, because the father went on to say, if you had scouted an area for a long time, you might be able to determine who never returns to their house. and brianna, i know you're a southern californian, you're familiar with just how transient the nature of is of some of the big bear residents. >> that's right. i used to ski up there when i was a kid and i know the police will be monitoring the area, because the snow, at least, does allow them to see if there have been break-ins. so keep us up to date, paul verify cammen there in big bear lake. her death has become one more symbol in the national debate on gun violence. mourner said goodbye to 15-year-old hadiya pendelton. first lady michelle obama attended the funeral, as did hundreds of others. the young majorette was killed one week after she performed at president obama's inauguration. and our athena jones is in chicago. athena, i imagine this was an
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incredibly emotional service. >> reporter: good afternoon, brianna. you know, it was very emotional. it was a long service, too. more than three-and-a-half hours, allowing lots of people to speak. we heard from hadiya pendelton friends, teammates, classmates, family members. we didn't hear from the first lady. she just wanted to be able to come, offer her condolences and support to hadiya pendelton's loved ones. she met with 30 friends and classmates privately before the service and also was able to meet privately with hadiya pendelton's family. we also heart some emotional comments from the people who spoke. let's listen to what hadiya pendelt pendelton's mother had to say. >> you don't know how hard this really is. and those of you that do know how hard this is, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. no mother, no father, should ever have to experience this.
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>> reporter: and you know, hadiya pendelton's parents want her death to play a role, bring a multifaceted approach, her father said, not a democratic approach or republican approach to solving this issue of gun violence. brianna? >> athena, i think it's fair to say it will play a role in the debate. athena jones for us there in chicago. thank you very much. another cold, snowy night in the northeast. the aftermath of the blizzard will undoubtedly last for several days. we'll tell you about the latest developments, this includes, unfortunately, the death of a 12-year-old boy ahead. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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record amounts of snowfall. that according to the connecticut governor. and guess what happens with record snowfalls? record snow removal. we are only just scratching the surface, people, of how to handle the remnants of this blizzard. and people are still driving. yes, at 4:00 today, the governor lifted the travel ban in this state. but he also did it with a caveat, please don't travel anyway. there's still just plowing routes for emergency vehicles. see all those cars behind me at the car dealership? they are drifted to the point of being entirely covered, some of them. the drifting is a big, big problem. there are a couple plows out, one just beyond my reach, if we spin over you can see that guy.
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the governor says he's got every single plow in this state already working. and the new york governor has sent plows as well. we also have a lot of out of state people who are here just to help us get the power on. but almost all day long, i have seen them sitting and waitin because they can't get on the freeway. because other people have been out driving and getting in accidents and blocking them. so a very, very frustrating day in that respect. and you know something? it is frustrating right up and down the eastern seaboard. have a look. >> the feared monster nor'easter didn't disappoint. 2 feet of snow, and in some places, plenty more. left tens of thousands of new englanders without power on saturday. >> this has been a record-breaking storm, with snowfalls reported as great as 38 inches. right now our main priority is to clear roads. >> reporter: the numbers tell the tale. milford, a whopping 38 inches. new haven, 34.
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bridgeport, 30. >> reporter: here in connecticut, check out this local firefighter. he's 6'3", and yet still struggles, just to march through nearly knee-high snow in order to check on locals. and make any necessary rescues. and in neighboring massachusetts, over 2 feet of snow fell in the western part of the state. but in boston, the mayor says the situation could have been much worse. >> i'm happy to report the city so far has weathered the storm well. no major power outages. no severe flooding. we still have a little way to go. to get to the rest of the storm. >> reporter: this is the scene at boston's logan airport today. snowplows working around the clock. if the snowplows won't or can't come, some residents are taking matters into their own hands, shoveling the snow themselves, to find their cars again. >> i hope this is my car.
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>> reporter: how long have you been at it? >> about an hour. >> reporter: looks like you've made some headway here. how much longer do you think you have to go? >> at least two more. >> reporter: across the region, driving is treacherous. if you don't have to venture out, officials say, please don't. as for the airports, they too are struggling to recover from closures and delays over the past 24 hours. more than 5,000 flights had to be cancelled, due to this walloping blizzard. and this walloping blizzard has given way to walloping temperatures. wow, what a difference an hour can make. the sun has set, and it is all of a sudden frigid out here. it is expected to go down to minus 10 in places in this state. for anybody who is out, not a good idea, because if you get stuck, that can be deadly. and the governor has said that buried cars have become one of the biggest impediments to getting everything back up and running to plows, to power, to everything. jason carol is in massachusetts,
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he's in boston, he has been watching the weather there, as well. the blizzard warnings there may have ended as well. but they were long and they dropped a lot of snow. and it did some deadly damage. >> reporter: and also, just some terrible news to report that's coming out of boston. and it has to do with what a lot of what you see behind me here, which is all of these cars that are buried underneath snow. you know, because that travel ban was lifted, a lot of people got out, wanted to get out ahead and shovel their cars. that's what happened early this afternoon. a father and his son went out to dig out the car, and the father dug out one side of the car, his son hopped inside the car, they shut the doors, thinking everything was okay. the young boy, 12 years old, was inside the car for about 12, maybe 15 minutes. he was overcome by carbon monoxide, ashleigh, because it turns out the tailpipe was still covered with snow. when you see these cars here, you can see how easy that would be to happen. unfortunately, by the time they got the young boy outside of the car, he was unresponsive. he went into cardiac arrest.
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neighbors tried to revive him, paramedics tried to revive him. but unfortunately, he was pronounced dead at the hospital. so even though the blizzard has passed, it is very clear the danger is not necessarily over. and that's the point boston's mayor wanted to get out when he released the statement, he said the news of this tragic accident is a sad reminder the danger of the storm is definitely not over. our hearts go out to the family and their friends who are learning of this tremendously sad accident. so going forward, as more people go out to clear off their cars, whether you be in massachusetts, rhode island or connecticut, be cautious and aware of what you're doing. ashleigh? >> reporter: jason, that is just devastating to hear it took just up to 15 minutes. i had no idea that it was that quick. it is just such a reminder of how dangerous it can be. just to be outside and dealing with vehicles in weather like this. jason carol, live for us in boston. brianna, i'm going to toss it back to you. i know there's a lot of other news of the day, as well as this incredible storm and all of its
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residual problems. >> that's right. busy day here, ashleigh. we'll be checking back in with you. but next up, poking fun at his own weight on late night television. but should governor chris christie be taking his obesity more seriously? and, i don't know, could it stop him from being president? or vice president? we'll talk about his political future ahead. so awesomely dels my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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♪ many hot dogs are within you. try pepto-bismol to-go, it's the power of pepto, but it fits in your pocket. now tell the world daniel... of pepto-bismol to-go.
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chris christie has endured pokes and jabs about his wide
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girth, you could say. but when the new jersey governor poked fun at himself on the letterman show, his weight suddenly became a hot topic. >> i've made jokes about you, not just one or two, not just ongoing here and there. intermittent. but -- [ laughter ] >> i didn't know this was going to be this long. >> so not everyone thought that that was funny. the next day, a former white house physician said she worried that the governor might drop dead. and christie immediately fired back. >> people who have a medical license, who have the privilege of having a medical license, should, in my view, conduct themselves more responsibly than that. if she wants to get on a plane and come here to new jersey and ask if she wants to examine me and review my medical history, i'll have a conversation with her about that.
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until that time, she should shut up. >> yikes. well, the governor's reaction may have seemed a bit harsh, especially when he admits his weight is a serious issue. >> if you talk to anybody in this room who has struggled with their weight, what they will tell you is, that every week, every month, every year, there's a plan. and i'm making the best effort i can. and sometimes i'm successful. and other times i'm not. >> let's bring in psychologist and behavior expert wendy walsh. so wendy, governor christie, he says there is always a plan. but what do you make of that, after he pokes fun at himself, chowing down on the doughnut on the letterman show? >> well, he's, of course, got to save face. i mean, he has to deal with this kind of public shame every single day. and anybody who struggles with their weight, it is not easy. you know if you have any other kind of disorder, whether it's gambling or sex addiction or drug addiction, you can find ways to hide it. but if you have an eating issue, you have to walk that walk of shame every day.
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and i think he is -- he is trying to the best. and that was a very vulnerable sound bite. who knows? may he go all the way and try intestinal bypass surgery? will he get that desperate? we really don't know. he also may be playing to that portion of the american public, by the way, who aren't able to achieve this politically correct stance of eating organic, close to the table food and maintaining a bmi of less than 24. he may be going after that 36% of the american population who is obese. the centers for disease control says 36% of the american population is obese. that's a bmi of more than 30. and in new jersey, it's 1 in 4. and those are part of his constituents. >> and wendy, when you talk about that many people being obese, a lot of them are unhealthy, because they're obese. but christie says he's -- yes, he's fat, but he's healthy. is there really such a thing as a healthy fat man or person? >> are you can be healthy and have a high body weight. on a scale. especially if you have a lot of muscle tissue and heavy bones
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like some of these great athletes out there. but sadly, the center for disease control, again, reports that 300,000 americans die every year from obesity. and they have a chance of premature death, somewhere between 50 to 100%. so you know, i would hesitate to say that you can be healthy and fat. you can be healthy and have a different body frame or different body weight. >> so you said that he's saving face. it's interesting, though, because you look at some of what christie has said, and it makes you think that maybe his weight bothers him more than he let's on. this is what he told cnn's piers morgan in 2011. >> the thing i feel most guilty about, my weight. >> really? >> yeah. yeah. because i'm really struggling. been struggling for a long time with it. and i know that it would be better for my kids. if i got it more under control. >> and, of course, wendy, because this is the thing that motivates so many people. they want to be around for their kids, for their grandkids, for
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the special moments in their kids' life. he says guilt. that's a pretty strong word. what do you think is going on here? >> oh, i have such great compassion for him. i think that was a very open, honest, vulnerable statement. and i just wish him the best. i want to cheer him on for this. so that he can be around for his kids. >> and i think, of course -- i think a lot of americans feel that way. and maybe even understand how he feels a little defensive, though. sort of catches us off guard sometimes when it's a politician. wendy walsh for us. thank you so much for taking the time. air traffic and even the u.s. postal service frozen to a hal halt by the big blizzard. cities buried under several feet of snow. and people getting ready to spend another cold night without power. we have the latest developments, next. ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha!
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ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. i hate mondays. yeah, they're the worst. [ caribbean accent ] no worries, mon. every-ting will be alright. [ chuckles ] yeah, mon. come on! don't fret, me brotha. sticky bun come soon. ♪ yeah, wicked coffee, mista jim! julia, turn da frown de other way around! hey, dave, you're from minnesota, right? yes, i! da land of ten thousand lakes. the gopher state! so in conclusion, things are pretty dismal... you know what this room needs? a smile. who want to come with i? [ jimmy cliff's "c'mon, get happy" plays ] ♪
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you guys are three minutes late. [ caribbean accent ] don't be no cloud on a sunny day! [ caribbean accent ] yeah, chill, winston. sir? respect boss man! [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] that's the power of german engineering.
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it's a busy day here. three big stories we're following this hour. clear skies in southern california are allowing police to search by air for an ex cop, suspected in three murders. they are scouring the san bernardino mountains for footprints in the fresh snow. meanwhile, police are going door to door around big bear lake as they hunt for chris dorner. he's believed to be carrying out a vendetta against the los angeles police department. and first lady michelle obama attended the funeral today for a 15-year-old honor student who was shot dead in a park near her chicago school. friends, family and political leaders were on hand to celebrate hadiya pendelton's
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life. the majorette was killed in what police believe was gang gunfire, and it came just one week after show went to washington to perform at president obama's inauguration. the death has become a symbol of the nation's fiery debate on gun violence and comes as congress considers proposed gun legislation. and, of course, the big story that we have been following all day, that severe winter weather in the northeast. i will tell you, blizzard warnings have lifted for all of new hampshire. most of maine. the snow ended up deepest in connecticut. it fell at about 4 to 5 inches per hour at times. that is a whole lot. and it brought with it some tragic news, at least four people died in car accidents blamed on the storm, and also a 12-year-old boston boy died of carbon monoxide while helping his dad shovel the snow. he actually -- his dad had carved out one side of the car. he got in. and we're told by cnn's jason
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carol within 12 to 15 minutes he passed away and was unable to be revised. blizzard warnings have been cancelled for all by a few counties in maine. coastal flood warnings cancelled throughout new england. but people are still feeling the effect of this storm on the massachusetts coast. do we have ali velshi standing by on the shore in dennis port, still feeling the snow where you are, ali. what are you seeing? >> reporter: mostly blowing snow, brianna. does not appear to be a lot of snow coming from the sky. i'm obviously on the beach here, so a lot of wind. the winds are very heavy. they still continue around the 20-mile-an-hour range, and they're still gusting to some degree. but mostly this is blowing snow as opposed to falling snow. it is very, very cold. we've got, in fact, sheets of ice all over the place now. so the weather still bad here. but this seems to have moved mostly off the coast. there are still blizzard warnings in effect for a few counties in maine, including the city of bell harbor, moving into
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nova scotia and of the canadian maritimes. there is a shelter nearby. this morning a couple guys went over to the shelter to get a sense of what was going on. largely empty, 200 beds and 15 people. we now have our producer, brian rokis and khalil abdula at the shelter. they have 165 people and more people coming in. they have a number of pets. they're going run out of beds pretty soon, because people have lost power. at last check, as you know, more than 630,000 customers without power in the northeast. the overwhelming majority of -- who are in massachusetts, here in cape cod, about 250,000 people are living here during the winter. that's about a half to a third of what you'll see in the summer. but a lot of those people have lost power, and it is getting very cold. it is nighttime now. people are realizing they don't want to get through this night, this cold night, if they don't have power at their own homes. and they haven't prepared properly. so they have moved into the shelter. we haven't got a full update on what the situation is. our guys are coming back very shortly. and i will bring that to you
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when i have it. but there are at last check about 165 people in the shelter here in this part of cape cod. so while the worst of this is gone, there are some dangers tonight. still a lot of power out. still because of the fact that the snow has turned to ice, it's become pretty heavy. so a lot of branches now getting iced over, and because the winds are still going here, there's still further danger of trees falling and injuring people, trees falling and taking down power lines. not out of the woods here. plows active all day, but no bucket trucks, no utility workers, because the conditions are not -- are not good enough for them to start making repairs. so that's the situation here in cape cod, brianna. >> ali velshi, always in the worst weather areas. i'm thinking that either someone doesn't like you, ali, or you like to volunteer for these really tough assignments. we'll get back to ali later. let's bring in cnn meteorologist chad myers. so chad, the blizzard warnings have been cancelled, except for a few counties in maine.
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is this storm over? that was interesting, ali -- it looked like falling snow, but he said it's blowing snow. >> you know what, i look outside in atlanta, and it's sunny. and i look at his shot and it's dark already. literally, it is just so quite amazing how much farther east that cape cod is than we are here in atlanta and obviously farther to the north and it is winter. so the days are slightly shorter in the north than they are in the south. but, wow, it just -- didn't look a lot different than yesterday. snow on the ground. but look at this. from yonkers, new york down to scarsdale, almost 2 feet. white plains at 14 inches and it just keeps going up from there. those were the low numbers. and then you move to the east, you start going up from portland, maine to worcester, at least 30 inches in most areas. and even boston did pick up an official 25 inches of snow. there is the only last -- there is bar harbor. there you go, you've got to go to nova scotia if you want more warnings than that. other than that, over. there is ali on that spot, the only guy getting snow. we put him right in the way of
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the last bastion of snow. other than just driving him up maine. it's just about over. we are going to see winds, providen providence, 39 for tonight, and then better for tomorrow. the winds completely move away. see how the numbers in albany would probably go all the way to calm, calm for the next couple hours on sunday. beautiful day, but tonight it's cold. wind chills around 6 degrees below zero. air temperature not quite that cold but if you are in a house without heat, you need to be very careful with the carbon monoxide, maybe a generator in the garage. put it outside. don't leave your oven on, trying to warm the house. carbon monoxide is getting in if you have a gas oven, leave it on. carbon monoxide is getting into that house. we don't want to lose more people after the storm than during it, brianna. >> when does all of this melt, chad? >> march. >> oh, lord. >> well, let's see. it does warm up in massachusetts. it warms up a little bit. i have a boston forecast. it goes to 35 tomorrow. but then 14 in the morning. so guess what's going to happen. you're going positive melt some
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of this snow, make a small puddle, freeze solid. freeze/thaw, freeze/thaw, but no way it's going to melt 24, 36 or 38 inches of snow. >> no, it turns parking lots into ice rinks, unfortunately. seen that in dc before, chad. thanks for that. you've seen them in spy films and used in our military in war zones. now they are coming to a neighborhood near you. but does that mean big brother is watching you? it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. ♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here. ah beautiful. work the camera... work it!
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drones, the newest weapon of choice to track and kill suspended terrorists. and this guy, maybe you recognize him, maybe you don't, john brennan, he is the man who oversees the white house kill list. he's also the president's pick to head the cia. brennan was killed on capitol hill this week about the drone program, specifically when it targets terrorists, who are also americans. and it may surprise you, but drones aren't just for governments or militaries or even police anymore.
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anybody can buy one. not armed with missiles, but cameras. and as you might imagine, that has a lot of people concerned about privacy. i want to bring in our legal analyst, holly hughes, right now. holly, should people be worried that big brother is watching them? >> absolutely. this is -- you know, think about google earth. how much can they do right now? they can zoom in and get a picture of your house. so once you allow not just big corporations, governmental entities, but individual people to fly drones into that air space, how good are their cameras? can they look into your house, can they take photographs. this is absolutely going to be a big new area for the law to address. >> i've seen legitimate uses, even realtors, who take the drone up and they're giving a potential buyer of a home a very good birds eye view of the house. but, you know, not just police, but what about people who might have bad intentions? that's where obviously the concern comes in. >> well, of course it is. and then what you're going to find, brianna, the law has not
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caught up with the technology. we saw this when the internet was first invented. they did not have laws as to what is copyrighted, what is trade marked, what is your personal property rights. we're going to see the same things when people violate your privacy when these drones, what law can you use to go after them. we're going to have to rely on stalking laws, violation of privacy laws currently in place. we're going to have to see a whole lot of legislation following up with the invention of these. >> that's the thing. you have states stepping in and leading the way or certainly i'm imaging somewhat piecemeal. how are they approaching this? >> what they're doing, it's individual counties, individual cities, can say we will ban them within our area. but bear in mind, they cannot ban the federal government from flying drones over into their air space. so on a one by one basis, the cities can say we don't allow -- the seattle mayor came out and said we have them, but won't use them, because there is such a public outcry. charlottesville, virginia, they
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just said we're putting a two-year ban on the drones. but again, not their own police departments, but the federal government, they can still fly over that zone and snap pictures, take surveillance. even facial recognition. >> but let's -- so if there is drone abuse, how is it -- how do you prove it? how do you enforce these laws against drone abuse? >> you're going to find out about when they use the images they capture. so if somebody has photographs of you or if they surrender veil your house for burglary purposes -- if they can fly a drone over, take pick turz of what's inside your house and that person is caught with the k goods, you have to use the current burglary laws until you find something where new legislation comes in and says okay now we're specifically addressing the illegal use of the drone. >> unreal. it's almost like sci-fi. >> and it's going to get much more than we can even imagine, but it's happening now. our cell phones track us. everything has got a gps in it.
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private citizens know a lot more about you than you would think. >> wow. that's scary. holly hughes, thanks for educating us on this. >> absolutely. my pleasure. ♪ >> two years ago, the lead singer of alabama shakes was working at the postal service. now she's a grammy nominee. ♪ but first, we're beginning our year-long campaign honoring everyday people who are changing the world. it's our cnn heroes project, and it all begins with you. right now, you can nominate a hero in your life, and have their life-changing work recognized around the world. here's how. go to cnn once there, hit the nominate tab, fill out the required information. it is that easy.
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so do it now. ♪ [ nurse ] i'm a hospice nurse. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained)
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it is carnival time in rio. this is bulla preta down rio de janeiro's main street. this is an estimated crowd of 2 million, so certainly one of the biggest. now a rock star who inspired a new law. aerosmith front man steven tyler showed up at hawaii's capitol to testify after a bill named after him. the steven tyler act would protect celebrities and other public figures from paparazzi. california has a similar law. tyler recently bought a house on
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maui. this could be the year of the dudes at the grammys where men are dominating some of the biggest categories. ♪ >> sunday night in l.a., the band fun could walk away with the biggest awards of the night. it would be a huge departure from last year when adele scored six awards. michelle turner takes a look at what else to expect. ♪ we are young >> reporter: we are young. that could be the theme of the 55th annual grammy awards. >> it's been an incredible year in music. it feels like alternative music is back. >> reporter: this year, the spotlight isn't on veterans like springstein or dylan. it's about fun and the black keys and mumford & sons and frank ocean and jack white. ♪ they're all nominated for album
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of the year. and they're all in their 20s or 30s. ♪ i will wait i will wait for you ♪ >> reporter: in addition, mumford & sons, dan auerbach from the black keys, and frank ocean go in with six nominations east. hip-hop heavyweights, jay-z and kanye west. ♪ >> reporter: but this past year, attention was focused on the breakout stars, most notably, fun. the power pop trio from new york, and frank ocean, the new orleans r & b singer, who shot to stardom with this emotional performance on late night with jimmy fallon where he sang about an unrequited love with another man. ♪ to be in love with someone who can never love you ♪ >> reporter: both ocean and fun are nominated for best new artist. along with country multiinstrumentalist hunter hayes. >> my first record, debut
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record. >> reporter: blues rap group, alabama shakes -- >> two years ago, what were you doing? weren't you working at the postal service? >> yes. yes, i was working -- i was delivering postal mail. >> reporter: and folk rock treo, the lumineres. >> went from sleeping in people's friends' houses and then going to, like, six people to a hotel room to now, like, grammy nominations. ♪ >> reporter: on sunday, look for justin timberlake's first grammy performance in four years. rihanna's first solo turn at the grammys since a physical altercation with chris brown caused her to cancel in 2009. a collaboration featuring bruno mars, sting, and rihanna -- ♪ michelle turner, cnn, los angeles. and on the eve of the grammys, "showbiz tonight's" michelle turner who you heard right there is looking at beyonce's storied career in "beyonce: finding her destiny" at 8:00 eastern, followed by
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"whitney houston: her life in music" right here on cnn. is the stock market a bubble about to burst? we're going to look at how high stocks will go and whether it's too late to get in.
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♪ tonight i'm gonna party like it's 1999 ♪ prince had it right, 1999 was quite a party for the stock market. a year later, it crashed. wiping out trillions in wealth. recalling this warning from the maestro. >> how do we know when irrational exuberance has -- >> reporter: translation, a bubble. it looks so obvious after it pops. is it happening again? four years into this bull market, record cash flowed into the market in january. it's a running of the bulls. either that or investors are late to the party. getting in now goes against that legendary advice from warren buffett. when they all zig, you should zag. >> be fearful when others are greedy. >> reporter: there's more greed here than fear. >> in my view, it's a correction waiting to happen. i don't think it's real.
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>> reporter: real or not, the s&p 500 has doubled since the lows in 2009. companies are flush. profits are growing. there's this guy. >> if the fed wasn't doing quantitative easing, the markets would easily be 20% to 30% lower than where they are today. >> reporter: with apologies to the "little rascals" it's baby ben throwing money into the economy. $85 billion a month, with no end in sight. but does that mean you should jump in? >> you always have to step back. why are we investing in stocks or investing in bonds? it has to fit your own personal situation. till we do that, i don't think anybody should be investing in anything. >> reporter: will stocks keep going higher? if i knew that, i'd be on a caribbean island. the better question, do you have a plan? >> if you have a financial goal of buying a house or buying a -- starting a business in the next year, this is not your time to use the stock market as a gamble. >> this is the perfect time to surrender to a financial plan. you've got the fundamentals and uncle ben pumping billions into the system.
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>> reporter: christine roman, cnn, new york.
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new pictures are coming in showing how the blizzard has affected areas throughout the northeast, from ground zero in new york, to roadside rescues in connecticut. and many of the images that we're getting are yours. they're from cnn i-reports. our josh levs is here. i understand we have some amazing ones as i can see from the one behind you. >> we're starting off with one of pictures we have on for you. this is ground zero. this is the construction site at ground zero. when you see this, it's a reminder of the power of this storm that has come through so much of the northeast. let me take you over here. this is medford, massachusetts. this is a snow blower to clear
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out his own walk. that was central park. this one is someone who's shoveling his own front yard where ocean water was crashing over the seawall. that's in winthrop, massachusetts. these pictures are from the connecticut air national guard. they get a little bit blurry. i want to remind everyone about the heroes that are out there helping people who are stranded in their cars. we actually have these photos of members of connecticut national guard going out, reaching out to stranded motorists, safely getting them out of their cars and bringing them to safety. let's get to some i-reports. powerful videos and photos. this is from middletown, connecticut. talk about snow blanketing an area. these are cars. i think you can tell in that